Zoo Packs

Zoo Packs

Released 6/20/2018
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Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Sokpop S02: Zoo Packs is an online turn-based strategy game much like Fire Emblem and Advance Wars.

You have a roster of animal warriors that can equip items and level up.
As long as you have an empty spot you can enroll a new animal.

  • 1~4 hours playtime
  • offline singleplay versus AI
  • online versus other player
  • 9 different animal types each with special abilities
  • 25 different equipable items to find
  • random generated levels

You play the game in 4 s 4 matches against other players, but you can also play practice matches against a simple AI.
When you start a battle against another player you choose which warrior will be you captain and which other warriors you want to use.
The goal of the battle is to either get the other player to forfeit, or you kill their captain.
When a warrior is killed you can revive them later in the hub, however it will cost you coins to do so and they will lose their equipped items!

You gain coins by playing matches and you can use those coins to buy random items, unlock more spots in your warrior roster or revive collapsed warriors!

Fighting matches will also increase your rating. Once you attain the title of 'Soldier' you will be able to play matches of 6 vs 6!

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