The second installment in the Witcher saga features a thoroughly engrossing, mature storyline defining new standards for thought-provoking, non-linear game narration. Featuring an original, brutal combat system that uniquely combines tactical elements with dynamic action, control Geralt of Rivia as he seeks to discover the truth behind a menacing conspiracy. A new, modern game engine, responsible both for beautiful visuals and sophisticated game mechanics puts players in the liveliest and believable world ever created for an RPG. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Collector's Edition Includes; - The Vernon Roche Commando Jacket - Making-of DVD - Official Soundtrack - World Map - Art Book - Geralt Sculpture - Temerian Coin - Dice Set - 3 Stickers - Playing Cards and Rulebook - Cursed Coin and Pamphlet - Two Papercraft Figures + Bonus.
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