Tales of Hearts: CG Movie Edition

Tales of Hearts: CG Movie Edition

Released 12/18/2008
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Tales of Hearts released as two different versions, each having a different style of cutscenes. The CG Movie Edition uses computer-generated 3d model cutscenes produced by Shirogumi Inc. Shing Meteoryte is a young man living in a small village by the sea and training in the ways of the sword under his grandfather's tutelage, who bequeaths to him an unusual weapon known as a Soma, which can harness the power of a person's Spiria--the embodiment of their heart and soul. Shing encounters a travelling pair of siblings, Kohaku and her brother Hisui. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Shing accidentally shatters Kohaku's Spiria Core, the source of her emotions. Now, the trio must embark on a journey to make Kohaku's heart whole once more.




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