Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is an action-adventure shooter developed by Rocksteady Studios. Set in Metropolis, players control Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark as they battle a brainwashed Justice League under Brainiac's control. The game features third-person combat, open-world exploration, and live-service elements. It received mixed reviews for its narrative and repetitive gameplay mechanics. Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League - Deluxe Edition features: - All Standard Edition content and pre-order bonuses. - Four Justice League Outfits, one for each Squad member. - Three Black Mask-themed notorious weapons (pistol, sniper rifle, and heavy weapon). - Four Squad Golds-themed weapon dolls, one for each Squad member. - One premium battle pass token. - Up to 72-hour early access to the game, prior to the main launch.
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