Smash T.V. is a frenetic, dystopian shoot-'em-up set in a futuristic game show where violence and consumerism collide. Created by Eugene Jarvis, the mastermind behind Robotron: 2084, this game takes place in 1999 and puts players in the role of contestants fighting for survival and prizes in a series of deadly arenas. Using a unique dual-joystick control scheme, players must blast through waves of enemies, including mindless beasts and killer robots, while collecting an array of outrageous prizes ranging from toasters to luxury cars. The game's satirical take on consumer culture and media violence is underscored by its over-the-top action and gore. With its intense two-player mode, Smash T.V. offers a relentless, adrenaline-pumping experience that combines skillful shooting with dark humor, creating a cult classic in the arcade shooter genre.. This is the Commodore 64 port of Smash T.V.
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