Summary pulled directly from Steam
- Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform
At the edge of the Deep Swamp stands Snappy and his gang. Anxious to proceed, they press on as a rite of passage for all young pond dwellers. What will they find ahead? Uncover the secrets of the swamp in this Dioramic VR Platformer.
Plunge into the mysterious Deep Swamp
Play as Snappy the Caiman as you explore the Deep Swamp, spanning 30+ levels across 5 distinct worlds. Uncover the secrets of this strange land, but be careful not to tarry too long in the deep...
Solve retro platforming puzzles with a VR twist
Reach into the swamp and solve platforming puzzles with first-person interactions.
Swampin' ain't easy
The Deep Swamp doesn't pull its punches! With the difficulty curve and charm of an old-school platformer, you will die, die, and die again. Good luck!
Seek out and collect the Golden Fangs
Collect them all if you dare..! Can you truly say you've completed a level if you never found the Golden Fang?
Seriously dope tunes
Vibe to an immaculate original soundtrack - spanning jungle, witch house, techno, and contemporary classical!
And more!
Retro graphics and cute as heck cast
Discover Snappy the Caiman’s dark & introspective tale