Make it! Taiyaki

Make it! Taiyaki

Released 2/22/2024
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Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Let's make taiyaki on the Steam!
Use the special grill well and cook up some delicious taiyaki!
You can play with up to four players!
Reach for the ultimate high score!

Cook taiyaki using the special taiyaki maker!
The points you earn are based on how well your taiyaki are cooked!
Make as many as you can before time runs out!

1. Add taiyaki batter to the right side of the taiyaki maker, then add in the red bean paste filling.

2. Once the taiyaki start to smoke, add batter to the left side and then flip them! Be careful not to go too fast or too slow, or you might fail!

3. Once both sides are well cooked, finish by popping your taiyaki into a to-go box!

[Score Attack]
Aim for 1st place on the leaderboards by making as many taiyaki as possible!

Test your taiyaki-making skills against others!



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