Hoshigari Empusa Portable

Hoshigari Empusa Portable

Released 4/23/2009
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  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot
  • Hoshigari Empusa Portable screenshot


In a super elitist school, the students are taught to believe in three things, friendship, wisdom and competition. Every year, the students of the school compete to become the student union body president, and these competitions are often more than intense. You need not enter the fray alone, though, as the school encourages friendship. You are allowed to form an ally with another student. The goal of the game is to conquer your opponents to become the student union body president and at the same time, develop a romance with your partner. This dating simulation game is based loosely on the rules of Monopoly. The player gets fifty turns to spin the roulette and proceed along the grid and build up their reputation. Depending on their reputation, they can acquire land and other properties, the better they utilize their reputation, the better chances they have in being elected president. You can choose any of the eight main characters as the protagonist and go after the characters of the opposite sex.



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