Ernie's Big Splash

Ernie's Big Splash

Released 3/1/1986
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  • Ernie's Big Splash screenshot


Ernie's Big Splash is a 1986 Sesame Street video game starring Rubber Duckie. The goal was to create a series of connections, for Rubber Duckie to make his way to Ernie's bathtub. The game teaches basic logic, directions (North, South, East and West) and sequencing. The video game was created by CBS Learning Systems, for ages four to six. The game was originally made for DOS, but was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989. On NES, it was released on the cartridge Sesame Street ABC, supplementing Letter-Go-Round. At some point in time, the game was released for the Unisys ICON operating system, a platform commissioned by the Ontario education system. No copies of this format exist, as the last ICON computers and software were destroyed in the early-2000s.



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